Scrapbooks and Social Awareness: A Self-Curated History of the Oberlin YWCA Part 1: Domestic Arts | Part 2: Student-Faculty Discussions Part 3: Career Symposia | Part 4: Interracial Relations Bibliography Introduction | Document 5: Week 1 | Document 6: Week 2 | Document 7: Week 3 Introduction: YWCA Cabinet 1941-42YM/YWCA Photos, 1908-09, 1914, 1939-63, RG 29, Subgroup III, Series 4, Box 1 The following documents are programs from three of the four of symposia “designed to aid women in finding the job for which they are best suited.” Held while the Second World War was still in progress, they concerned education, social work, music and science, business and industry. Former Oberlin YWCA Secretary Mary Lou K. McGreggor spoke on one of the social work panels. Clare Tousley and Bess Barr LeBedoff had worked with the YWCA. Julia Taylor, who compiled the 1944-45 scrapbook, did not include the music and science schedule, so the following documents are from the first, second, and fourth symposia.[1] The 1945 Hi-O-Hi highlighted the symposium, particularly the speeches by Clare Tousley, Helen Schwin, and Alice Williams. “But don’t worry–” they wrote, “Oberlin women aren’t interested only in careers. The panel discussion on Marriage and a Job, the last meeting of the series, drew a large crowd to Warner Hall… There’s no doubt about it–we want to help in the post-war world.”[2] [1] The schedule can be found in The Oberlin Review, page 6. [2] 1945 Hi-O-Hi, Oberlin College, 204.